This example shows how to analyze recent company activity and associated events and summarize findings into a “Company Activity” report.

Company Recent Activity Template

Let’s build this report step by step!

  1. Create a new research template
  1. Add prebuilt fields company_name, company_description, company_industry, company_news, company_linkedin

  2. Add a custom field to retrieve Company LinkedIn Data

Here, we use a special LINKEDIN agent that can take Company / Person LinkedIn URLs and return profiles in Markdown format.

Field Name: company_linkedin_data

Set prompt to {company_linkedin}. This instructs the agent to take the output of the company_linkedin field (Company LinkedIn URL) and use it as the input for a LinkedIn agent.

  1. Add a custom field to summarize Recent LinkedIn Posts

Here, we already have LinkedIn data obtained in the previous step. Thus, we use the LLM agent to work with that data and generate posts summary.

Field Name: company_linkedin_posts_summary


Based on company LinkedIn profile data, summarize recent (within 1 month) posts activity as a bulleted list.
For each post, add a bullet with post name, post description (2-3 sentences) and number of reactions.

Linkedin Data:

Feel free to experiment with the prompt!

  1. Add a custom field to read & summarize news articles

Here, we use a RESEARCH agent with Internet and web Scraping access to visit all the company news articles and summarize them.

Field Name: company_news_deep


Given the news articles related to company {company_name}, visit 5 most recent articles, and summarize each of them.
Output a bullet for each of the articles with its name, summary (2-3 sentences), date and URL.

Company News:
  1. Add a custom field to generate the final Company Activity Report

Finally, use the LLM agent to take Posts & News summaries and generate the final report!

Field Name: company_activity_summary


Write a report (as if you are a market researcher analyzing the particular company) on recent company activity based on recent news and summaries of LinkedIn posts.
Try to be concise when articulating a particular piece of the report while mentioning all the most important aspects.

Linkedin Posts:

Recent News:
  1. Run the template!

Click “Save Template”, then “Run” and you are good to go!

Here is an example of Company Activity Report for a startup

Snippet of Company Activity Report