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Extruct AI API Overview

Extruct AI offers powerful APIs for AI-driven company research and analysis. Our platform provides multiple approaches to handle different research needs, each designed for specific use cases.

Available APIs

Currently, Extruct AI offers two main API approaches:

AI Reports API

The Reports API provides deep, comprehensive research on individual companies. It’s designed for gathering detailed information about specific companies with high accuracy and rich context.

Get started with AI Reports →

AI Tables API

The Tables API allows you to process and analyze multiple companies at scale. It’s built for comparing companies across consistent criteria and performing bulk research operations.

Get started with AI Tables →

Key Differences Between Reports and Tables

FeatureAI ReportsAI Tables
SetupEasier to start with, less configuration neededMore powerful but requires more initial setup
SchemaIndependent per company (different reports can have different schemas)Table-level schema applied to all companies
ModificationStatic (reports can’t be modified or rerun with new fields once created)Dynamic (can add new data points and backfill for all companies)
IntegrationStandalone APIFully integrated with Extruct AI Platform (app.extruct.ai)
AI SearchNo built-in search functionalityCompanies in tables are automatically indexed in semantic search engine
Use caseDeep research on specific companiesComparative analysis across many companies

Note: Both APIs use the same underlying AI engine, with equal flexibility in how prompts can be configured.

When to Use AI Reports

Choose the Reports API when you need:

  • Different information schemas for different companies
  • Quick setup without defining a complete table structure
  • One-off deep research on specific companies
  • Research that doesn’t need to be modified later
  • Simple, straightforward company research workflow

Example use cases: Due diligence research, individual company profiles, focused competitor analysis

When to Use AI Tables

Choose the Tables API when you need:

  • Consistent data points across all companies
  • Ability to add new data points over time
  • Integration with the Extruct AI web platform
  • Ranking and scoring capabilities
  • Search capabilities across your company database
  • Bulk processing and updates for large datasets

Example use cases: Sales prospecting, lead scoring, market mapping, competitive landscape analysis

Search Capabilities

The Tables API includes powerful search functionality:

  • Companies added to tables are automatically indexed by our semantic search engine
  • Use search endpoints to discover companies in your database based on various criteria
  • Search across all your company data using natural language queries
  • Uncover hidden patterns and relationships within large company datasets

This makes the Tables API especially powerful for organizations with large databases of companies that need to be accessed and filtered efficiently.


All Extruct AI APIs use the same authentication method. You’ll need an API key to access any of the APIs:

curl -X GET "https://api.extruct.ai/v1/user" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN"

For more information on authentication, see the Authentication Guide.

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