What is Extruct AI?

Extruct AI (extract + structure) is a B2B company discovery and research engine. Extruct AI leverages autonomous AI agents – LLMs that can navigate the internet & various data sources, to find (extract) information you’re looking for and present (structure) it in a way you need it.

The product is built to simplify routine internet research tasks for Sales Professionals, Market Researchers, Industry Analysts, Investment Analysts.

It achieves the goal by allowing you to:

  • Analyze Company: Run research templates for a single company, getting all required information gathered into a single-page report.
  • Research Companies: Run research templates for thousands of companies, gathering use-case specific fields into a single table for further analysis, filtering or sorting.
  • Discover Companies: Leverage AI search engine that speaks your language, describe companies you’re looking for and let Extruct AI build company lists for you.
  • Manage Templates: Create your own, absolutely flexible, Research Templates, uniquely tailored to your use case.

Is Extruct AI for me?

You will benefit from Extruct AI if your answer is “Yes” (or “Hell Yeah!”) to one of the following questions:

  • Do you regularly have to manually search for the same set of facts about companies? Are these facts specific to your use case? Do you often change this set of facts to adapt to new requirements?
  • Do you wish there was a single product that could automatically capture all data you need into a single place?
  • Do you feel like companies search is hard do to via Google, and existing B2B company search engines are broken?
  • Do you wish you had a specific data point about companies, but stop yourself from researching it manually due to associated human costs?

Users that benefit from Extruct AI the most are usually the ones who have inherent diversity or unique specialization in their company research tasks.

For example:

  • B2B Sales Teams who want to quickly find or analyze leads and score them against unique & niche ICP.
  • Market Researchers who need up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive insights about companies, while not spending hundreds of hours on manual research.
  • Industry Analysts who want to quickly analyze the landscape of a specific industry, which usually means analyzing industry-specific dimensions.
  • Investment Analysts who want to analyze hundreds of companies and quickly match them against specific investment thesis.

In all these examples, Extruct AI allows you to configure hyper-specialized company research templates and run them at scale. Extruct AI will source latest available information from various sources (or the ones you specify) and provide answers you’re looking for.