
=EXTRUCT() is the main research function that launches the Extruct AI research agent. Provide agent instructions and the desired output format, and go ahead!

Prompts can be as simple as a short question, e.g. =EXTRUCT("What is the number of employees at the company " & A1, "number"), as well as contain detailed instructions on how to get the answer or how to format the output. Read more in our Prompt Engineering Guidelines.


// Full syntax
=EXTRUCT(question, outputFormat, showSources)

// Equivalent to =EXTRUCT(question, outputFormat, true)
=EXTRUCT(question, outputFormat)

// Equivalent to =EXTRUCT(question, "text", true)
questionstringResearch Task Description.
outputFormat"text", "url", "number", or a list of output valuesOutput Format. The default is text, which means no additional formatting is applied to the result. If a list of values is passed (e.g. {"private", "public"}), Extruct Agent will use one of the provided values for the answer. You can provide custom formatting instructions directly in question.
showSourcestrue, falseWhether to show sources in the answer. The default is true.
To include context into the question, use concatenation & operator.

Example: "Research the website " & A1 & " and find pricing plans information"


Company Mission=EXTRUCT("What is the company's mission? Company: " & A1)
Pricing Plans=EXTRUCT("Find & summarize pricing plans of " & A1)
Remote-First=EXTRUCT("Is this company " & A1 & " remote-first?", {"yes", "no"})
LinkedIn Profile=EXTRUCT("Find LinkedIn profile for company " & A1, "url", false)
Careers Page=EXTRUCT("Find careers page URL of company " & A1, "url", false)
Company Revenue=EXTRUCT("Find annual revenue for company " & A1, "number")
Number of Employees=EXTRUCT("Find number of employees at company " & A1, "number")
Founding Year=EXTRUCT("What is founding year of company " & A1, "number")
Acquisition Deals=EXTRUCT("What recent acquisition deals company " & A1 & " was part of? Search news & company website")

Output Formats

Extruct supports multiple output formats:

Texttext (default)Output is free-form text. You can include custom output formatting instructions inside question.
URLurlOutput is a URL. It is useful when you need to find links to websites, social media profiles, etc. Output example:
NumbernumberOutput is a numerical value or a range. Useful for employee counts, revenues, funding raised, etc. Output examples: 1984, 10-50, $1.3B, $1-10M
Labelslist of possible values, e.g. {"b2b", "b2c"}, {"yes", "no", "maybe"}Output is one of the predefined values. Useful for labeling or classification tasks.

Text Output

Text is the default output format. For example, to summarize the pricing plans of a company:

=EXTRUCT("Find pricing plans information of product " & A1)

If you want to turn off sources, you’ll have to pass outputFormat as well:

=EXTRUCT("Find pricing plans information of product " & A1, "text", false)

If you want to customize the output format, include instructions in the prompt:

=EXTRUCT("Find pricing plans information of product " & A1 & ". Format output as a bulleted list of pricing plans. Format each pricing plan as '- <name> (<price>): <features>`, "text")

URL Output

This mode instructs the Extruct Agent to return the URL as an output. For example, to find the company website:

=EXTRUCT("Find website of company " & A1, "url", false)

Note that the third parameter showSources is set to true by default. We’re setting it to false so that the output is a URL without sources attached.

Number Output

This mode instructs the Extruct Agent to return a numerical value as an output. You might want this format when the answer to your question is a number (e.g. founding year 1984), currency (e.g. revenue $1.3B), or a range (e.g. employee count range 11-50, revenue range $1-10M).

For example, to find company revenue:

=EXTRUCT("What is annual revenue of company " & A1, "number")

Or, without sources:

=EXTRUCT("What is annual revenue of company " & A1, "number", false)

Labels Output

This mode instructs the Extruct Agent to return one of the provided values as an answer. It is useful for any categorization task and particularly helpful when filtering / sorting based on the results is needed.

For example, to check if a company is B2B or B2C:

=EXTRUCT("Is this company " & A1 & " B2B or B2C primarily?", {"B2B", "B2C"})

Or, to understand the remote culture of a company:

=EXTRUCT("What is the remote culture of this company " & A1, {"remote", "in-office", "hybrid"})

Show Sources

By default, Extruct will attach sources when the answer is found. You can turn off sources by setting showSources parameter to false:

=EXTRUCT(question, outputFormat, false)

Note: Changing showSources value from true to false or vice versa does not consume additional credits.